As an independent actuarial consultant, I specialize in providing expert analysis and guidance on a wide range of actuarial topics. With a strong background in econometrics, statistics, and data science, I have the skills and experience necessary to help clients navigate the complex world of actuarial science. In my work, I focus on providing data-driven solutions using advanced statistical and mathematical methods, to help my clients make better decisions. I am committed to delivering high-quality and timely services, and to building long-term relationships with my clients. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs and how I can help you achieve your goals.


I help insurance companies to set prices for their products that are fair and reasonable to both the company and the policyholder. This can include analysis of claims data, modeling of potential losses, and consideration of economic conditions.

I use statistical and mathematical methods to analyze large and complex data sets, identifying trends and patterns that can be used to make predictions about future events, such as customer behavior, market trends, or risk.

I design and implement automation solutions that streamline and optimize key business processes. I work closely with clients to ensure that the solutions are aligned with their specific needs and requirements.


BSc Econometrics &
Operations Research

MSc Actuarial Science
magna cum laude

Actuarial Practice Cycle
During a major digitalization project at a Dutch insurance company, I contributed by restructuring and repricing a set of commercial lines insurance products. I used various advanced statistical methods to construct new tariffs by analyzing historical insurance data. It was essential to consult with stakeholders such as product management, claims handling, and underwriting to effectively improve upon the products and their tariffs.
A digital insurance brokerage from Canada was looking to improve the effectiveness of their online advertisement budget. By analyzing their quotes and advertisement data, we were able to suggest a better allocation of the available advertisement budget for different cities. The allocation turned out to be far more effective in terms of closing rates compared to the previous allocation, ultimately generating a higher revenue for the client.
A hotel chain in Southeast Asia was struggling to accurately predict the future occupation level of their hotel rooms. We managed to significantly improve their forecasts by creating an algorithm that used historical booking patterns in combination with other seasonal effects. The improved forecasts helped the client to better plan ahead in terms of staff and resources at each location, resulting in lower overall costs.